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Nex research

Ahtaxam's github profile

A online Survey App that let users to create survey according to their needs which is easy to use and are free.

Etch-A-Sketch Project

jfmartinz's github profile

An Etch A Sketch is a classic children's toy that allows you to draw pictures by turning two knobs to control a stylus that moves across a screen. Recreating an Etch A Sketch in javascript involves capturing the user's input from the keyboard or mouse and updating the display accordingly.

Dalle clone

kumar11jr's github profile

DALL·E is a neural network model developed by OpenAI. It stands for Distributed and Adversarial Learning of Latent Embeddings, and it is designed to generate images from textual descriptions


OMKAR-KALEPU's github profile

This is a simple project using html, css and javascript that displays the keycodes when a key is pressed.

Personal Portfolio Website

villAsh's github profile

This is my personal portfolio website made using reactjs


akshaysoni10's github profile

A social media MERN stack project in which a user can sign in and after then can create their own posts and also likes & comments on other posts.


manojsai1's github profile

Cryptospy is a website that allows users to search for information about various cryptocurrencies in real-time.

Discord Clone

Monishka8303's github profile

This project is a clone of the original website of Discord, which is fully responsive.

Tindog E-Commerece website

Kumudhaart's github profile

Tindog website is a E-Commerce Website for dog lovers.Tinndog website is user freindly and responsive

Weather App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

This is a simple weather application built using Express.js. It allows users to retrieve weather information based on location.